Miel Muwn (7)Full unit name: Muwn, Miel
Last updated: 05.07.2024 21:47:26
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Sullustan
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Died: Race the Devil
Race the Devil
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (23)
Hot Pursuit (10) »
  • Held a rank of Officer in Sullustan Constable Brigade
  • Wore Sullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Used Holotransmitter
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This was fun, little mouse, but we're done playing. Time to die.
    Miel Muwn
    I am a designated officer of the Sullustan Constable Brigade. Drop your weapons and surrender, or I'll be forced to discharge my weapon again.
    I can't figure out if this Sullustan's deaf or just stupid.
    Do you see those ears? Sullustans have excellent hearing. All of you against one guy? That's overkill, don't you think?
    I told you idiots to watch that door! Do I have to do everything myself? This is none of your business, scum. Get out while you still can.
    Miel Muwn
    Wait, upstanding citizen! Under Article 11607 of the Emergency Service Laws, I hereby deputize you. These men are interfering in a criminal investigation.
    I'm sure if we ask them real nicely, they'll just leave.
    Miel Muwn
    I already encouraged these men to depart peacefully, but they failed to comply. It's possible they don't understand Sullustese. There are too many to apprehend alone. I require backup to subdue them all.
    Do I look like a deputy to you?
    Miel Muwn
    Yes, of course. The planet of Sullust values all sentient life-forms. I am proud to serve with you. Please, upstanding citizen. It is your duty to assist a designated peace officer requesting aid. You will be paid appropriately for your duties as authorized by Amendment 102167 of the Sullustan Good Neighbor Act.
    You heard the man, lawbreakers. Surrender now, or else.
    You really are as dumb as you look, aren't you? Just when I thought this conversation couldn't get any more ridiculous....
    Kill them both, men.
  • Urbax, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Killed Urbax's Thug
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    I am grateful for your assistance, deputy. I apologize for drafting you into service on short notice, but you performed admirably.
    Sticking up for the little guy is what I do best.
    Miel Muwn
    I am considered tall for a Sullustan. My species averages one point five meters in height, but I have achieved one point six meters. Regardless, you have my thanks. I will make special note of your heroism in my full report. Now that the immediate danger has passed, you may return to being an upstanding citizen.
    I have not properly identified myself to you. I am Officer Miel Muwn of the Sullustan Constable Brigade.
    I'm just a simple starship captain trying to earn a living.
    Miel Muwn
    Normally my reports require a full name and genetic record - but I suppose I can acknowledge you as an "unidentified innocent bystander." If you are in some sort of trouble, I might be able to help. I am a law officer, after all.
    I have come to Coruscant pursuing a dangerous criminal named Skavak. He is wanted by the government of Sullust for high crimes. Skavak stole a priceless relic called the Murustavan Ruby. It is a one-of-a-kind gem as large as your fist, mined from the depths of Sullust millennia ago. We revere it. My duty is to arrest him and retrieve it, even if I must act alone.
    I'm hunting Skavak, too. He stole my starship. I came here looking for information.
    Miel Muwn
    Ah! I suspected your timely intervention here was not coincidence, upstanding citizen. This is good news. My sympathies on the theft of your ship. I knew I could not be the only one hunting such a notorious lawbreaker.
    Don't you have any backup? Can't you get the Republic to lend a hand?
    Miel Muwn
    Sullust left the Republic after the war. Technically, I have no jurisdiction here. When I requested help from Coruscant's law enforcement, I was denied. Upstanding citizen, I do not believe your presence here is coincidental. My investigator's instincts tell me you purposely came to this docking bay.
    I propose we cooperate and share resources. Coruscant is large and... confusing. If I turn up any useful leads on Skavak's whereabouts, I will contact you. Can I count on you to do the same?
    I'll take any help I can get.
    Miel Muwn
    I am glad to finally have an ally on this world. Together, we will bring that lawbreaker to justice.
    Your help with these lawbreakers was invaluable. I will contact the local security forces and file an appropriate report with them.
    Keep my name out of that report, all right?
    Miel Muwn
    Your participation will remain confidential. I will assume full responsibility for what happened here. Based on past experience, local security will not ask many questions. I will continue my search for Skavak soon.
    Here is your salary allowance as codified by Article 101173 of the Sullustan Emergency Service Laws. Thank you for your brave service. I will not detain you further, upstanding citizen. Your time and assistance here is greatly appreciated. Good day.
    Corso Riggs
    Let us not be here when the local security shows up. We don't have time to answer questions. Maybe we should go see if Darmas knows anything new about Skavak?
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Fought Skavak
  • Holotransmitter of Miel Muwn was destroyed
  • Was captured by Justicars' Brigade
Due Process (5) »
  • Held a rank of Officer in Sullustan Constable Brigade
  • Wore Sullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
  • Was held captive by Justicars' Brigade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    Upstanding citizen? Hello! Over here! Help me!
    Miel? You're in jail? I take it you met the Justicars.
    Miel Muwn
    They are lawbreakers pretending to be peace officers. That is a severe offense under Statute 52974 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. The fugitive Skavak ambushed me down here and fled. The Justicars interrupted my pursuit and demanded I surrender.
    Did you at least manage to wound him?
    Miel Muwn
    Skavak and I exchanged fire without incident, unfortunately.
    You were supposed to contact me when you found Skavak.
    Miel Muwn
    I would have, but my holotransmitter was destroyed during Skavak's ambush.
    I must yield to local constables when I am out of my jurisdiction. I did not want to harm people who I believed were local authorities, so I surrendered and allowed the Justicars to bring me here.
    The Justicars are a bunch of crazy vigilantes.
    Miel Muwn
    I became aware of my error when they put me in a cell. Luckily, they forgot about me when they brought a male human in for interrogation.
    Corso Riggs
    Might as well spring the little fella while we're here.
    Don't worry, I won't leave you in there.
    Miel Muwn
    This is the second time you have come to my aid. I owe you a significant debt. I must re-arm and renew my pursuit of Skavak. Thank you for your help, upstanding citizen.
    Get out of here before the Justicars come back. I'm really not an upstanding citizen.
    Miel Muwn
    You are too modest. Of everyone I have encountered on Coruscant, you are by far the most upstanding. When I return to Sullust, I will file a Form 453391 and request an official commendation for your actions today.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Was rescued by Voidhound's Followers
Race the Devil (8) »
  • Held a rank of Officer in Sullustan Constable Brigade
  • Wore Sullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The Murustavan Ruby. It's even more exquisite than I imagined. This will be the perfect centerpiece for my gift to the Grand Moff.
    I'm sure it'll earn you a nice, fat promotion. Maybe the Grand Moff will finally let you go home to Dromund Kaas?
    Watch your tone, Skavak. My agent is standing by at the spaceport, ready to deliver the item. You have someone ready to receive it?
    There's a twitchy little starship merchant named Fabizan in my docking bay. He'll accept my payment.
    Lieutenant, transmit the signal. I don't know what you want with that grotesque trophy, Skavak, but it's all yours now.
    You need any other priceless relics, Commander, just let me know.
    Hi there! Sorry I'm late to the party, boys. Traffic was crazy. Where's my ship, Skavak?
    Is it too much to ask that someone guard the entrance to our secret base? Skavak, is this some sort of trick?
    Captain. Seriously, I admire your persistence, but this is ridiculous.
    How do you know this man, Skavak?
    He's an acquaintance who just can't take a joke.
    Corso Riggs
    You're gonna be a floor stain when we're done with you, Skavak.
    Corso, heard about your job. Don't let unemployment make you bitter, all right?
    You the one who fouled up my identity record and sent half the galaxy chasing me? That wasn't very nice, Captain.
    What are friends for? It's the least I could do for you, old pal.
    You know, holding on to anger like that will give you health problems. I understand you're upset. It's a very nice ship. But you're taking things way too far.
    Honestly, did you have to frame me as a Sith spy? A pirate would've been so much more romantic. Or was it necessary to tell every woman in the civilized galaxy I have Bothan Nether Rot? That's just low. Framing me with the crime syndicates wasn't very nice. You know how hard it is to get out of trouble with them? Oh, wait - that's right, you do. I hear Rogun the Butcher just raised the price on your head. Congratulations.
    Enough of this. The captain is your problem, Skavak. Deal with it.
    Commander, would you mind vaporizing the captain for me? I've got places to be....
    Skavak! Blast that scoundrel. Always leaving me to clean up his messes.... Troops, dispose of this garbage.
    Miel Muwn
    Attention, Imperial lawbreakers! You are in violation of Statute 1983 of the Sullustan Criminal Code. Drop your weapons and surrender the gem!
    Who do you think you are giving me orders? You're as good as dead, you alien filth.
    Boy am I happy to see you.
    Miel Muwn
    Imperials, you are guilty of smuggling and crimes too numerous to mention. Do not make things harder on yourselves by resisting arrest! I have already disabled your comlinks and cut you off from any reinforcements! Drop your weapons now!
    Spare me your false heroics. Men, kill this alien scum!
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Kasstroff, Skavak
  • Killed Imperial Guard
  • Was wounded by Kasstroff
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Miel Muwn
    I... I do not think I will be filing any more reports....
    Hang on, Miel. We'll get you to a kolto tank.
    Miel Muwn
    It is too late for that.
    You should've stayed away. Why didn't you let me handle those Imperials myself?
    Miel Muwn
    It was my duty as a member of the Sullustan Constable Brigade to apprehend the lawbreakers. I am unable to maintain pursuit of Skavak. You must go on without me. I have something that will help you. Find Skavak. Bring him to justice... for me....
    Corso Riggs
    Poor little guy. He didn't deserve to go out like this.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Died
Miel Muwn was a male Sullustan
Sentient Species
working for the Sullustan Constable Brigade
Sullustan Constable Brigade
Planetary and Sector
at the time of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. He had achieved an Indigo rating for his performance as an investigator. He was tall for a Sullustan at 1.60 meters, while the average Sullustan was one point five meters tall.
Shortly before the end of the war, Muwn was assigned to track down the notorious criminal Skavak
Supporting Characters
, who had stolen the Murustavan Ruby, a priceless, unique gem mined millennia ago. The Constable Brigade gave him significant leeway in tracking Skavak down, allowing him to travel offworld and enlist the aid of Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
citizens along the way.
Muwn tracked Skavak to Coruscant
, but when he requested help from Coruscant's law enforcement
Coruscant Security Force
Planetary and Sector
, he was denied - Sullust
left the Republic after the Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War
Great Galactic War (3681BBY - 3653BBY)
and, technically, Muwn had no jurisdiction on Republic's world. Skavak attempted to evade Muwn by convincing
Identity Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
a member of Black Sun
Black Sun
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
named Urbax
Minor Characters (TOR)
to dispose of him. However, a smuggler named Voidhound
Major Characters
and Corso Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
walked in on the confrontation between Muwn and Urbax before things got violent. The smuggler was tracking down Skavak independently for stealing Voidhound's starship
Voidhound's XS Freighter
(XS Stock Light Freighter)
Named Starships
. Together they defeated
Hot Pursuit
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Urbax and his thugs, forming an agreement to cooperate in the hunt for Skavak.
Skavak later ambushed Muwn and left him to be captured by the Justicars' Brigade
Justicars' Brigade
Planetary and Sector
. Muwn did not resist the Justicars because he believed them to be the legitimate authority for the region. Voidhound and Riggs encountered
Due Process
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
him in a prison cell behind a force field. After the Sullustan was freed, he assisted them in the hunt for Skavak who planned to negotiate with Commander
Minor Characters (TOR)
Just before it came to a fight
Race the Devil
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, Muwn came out of hiding and ordered the Imperials to surrender. They did not, however, and there was a fight in which they were all killed, leaving Miel mortally wounded. After the fight, Miel spoke briefly with Voidhound and Riggs and slowly died from his wounds.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Sullustan Constable Brigade
Known weaponry & equipment
H2 Heavy Blaster
Known armor & apparel
Sullustan Constable Brigade Uniform A14.1
All characters this character met
Show all (3)DetailsHot PursuitDue ProcessRace the Devil
Corso Riggs
Show all (3)DetailsHot PursuitDue ProcessRace the Devil
Race the Devil
Race the Devil
Hot Pursuit
Complete list

Full unit name: Muwn, Miel Last updated: 05.07.2024 21:47:26